Flatford and Constable
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Flatford Places
Flatford – Early Years
A Mystery
Timber Buildings
Bridge Cottage
Postcards and Photos
Flatford Bridge
Saving the Granary 1977-1979
Dry Dock
Flatford Lock
Valley Farm
1991 Restoration Images
Willy Lott’s House
Willy Lott – A Mystery
Willy Lott’s Past and Present
Haybarn Cottage
The Church in Flatford
Flatford Mill
Before the Constables
Cloth Trade in East Anglia 1066-1900
Flatford Mill under the Constables
Flatford Mill after the Constables
The Stour
River Stour before 1705
The Navigation
Navigation Gallery
The Navigation – Rise and Decline
Water Abstraction 1914 – present
Salt Water, Floods and Flood Defences
Options for Change 2002
John Constable
A Life in Pictures
Middle & Later Years
Final Days
Constable in Love
Family Tree
Constable’s Family
Father Golding Constable 1739-1816
Mother Ann Constable 1748-1815
Brothers Golding & Abram
Sisters Ann, Martha, Mary
Wife – Maria Bicknell 1788-1828
Maria’s Father – Charles Bicknell 1751-1828
Older sons
Daughters Maria, Isabel & Emily
Younger sons Alfred & Lionel
Nanny Roberts
Local Characters
The John Dunthornes
Rev Durrand Rhudde 1734-1819
Leonard Richardson
Thomas Parkington 1866-1942
Dr Eric Ennion
Sir Frederick Minter 1887-1976
Richardson Sisters
Trolley Bus ICT No. 2
National Trust
River Stour Trust
Dedham Vale Stour Valley Project
Field Studies Council
RSPB Flatford Wildlife Garden
Constable and His Home
Explore and discover the story behind one of Britain's most loved artist.